A Trusted Agent in an Untrusted World.

The crwd_vision starts with a simple idea: give people and businesses the ability to transact securely and seamlessly on a blockchain platform while providing an integrated identity-based experience.

You are the center of CrowdPoint’s Blockchain Ecosystem.

CrowdPoint is creating an open and honest platform to better connect the world through Web3. By building a blockchain ecosystem, CrowdPoint transforms how data and value combine to deliver real-time intelligence.


Blockchain enables performance, protection, and privacy. For you — the user. CrowdPoint’s Vogon Blockchain is purpose-built to safeguard the human identity. Web3 is what you want it to be. For us — it’s you.

Returning value to you.

Claim authority over your digital identity. CrowdPoint has made navigating blockchain simple. The world is changing, and open data will change the future of business. By making data portable and giving users full control over how they use it, we make room for more innovation and creativity.

Your Journey.

Simple for people. Powerful for business


Users claim their data


Enter the Web3 world


Where they can buy or sell good and services


And access capital to grow and prosper


Upwards to an infinitely better future


Powered by the super-secure, hyper scalable Vogon Blockchain


Crwd World


Manage your crwdid

Access your crwdworld

For Business

Build with crwdsystems

Sell with crwdshop

For Consumers

Bank with crwdcapital

Shop with crwdmarket

For Investors

Learn with crwdfinance

Invest in CrowPoint

About CrowdPoint

Our Values


Contact CrowPoint